My artistic practice is aimed at creating, identifying and material fixation of the relationship between the past, present and future.
Human pursuits, questions of religion, local socio-cultural narratives create simultaneously existential and ironic objects. In many of my works, I study the manifestations of memory in the present. The present in these works is transmitted through a mirror, thus occupying a central place both formally and semantically. The search for connections between the past and the present becomes an occasion to reflect on the now.
By virtue of my experience in architecture and restoration, I am a multidisciplinary artist, turning to the medium that best suits the individuality of the created object.
It is important for me to establish a close emotional connection between the spectator and the object, whether it be the direct living-through of the installation by the spectator, turning the spectator into a part of the work or using the spectator's personal experience to create a deeper contact with the object.
- MA Zurich University of Arts, Fine Arts
- BA London Metropolitan University (MARSH, Moscow, 2021)
- Restoration college No.2 (Moscow, 2018)
- DEZ № 5 Architectural studio of Mikhail Labazov
- 2024 Vyksa, Vyksa
- 2023 Radiance Center for Contemporary Art, Apatyty
- 2023/2022 Winzawod CCA, Moscow
- 2022 "Oktava", Tula
- 2021 NCCA, Vladikavkaz
- 2019/2020 Garage Residency, Moscow
- 2016 NCCA, Vladikavkaz
"Blood, Tears and Sweat",, Museum of Moscow, Moscow
- "Cultural Code of the City", Oktava, Tula

- "Apophenia", Ground Solyanka, Moscow

- "Secret Everyday", Cube.Moscow, Moscow and Museum of Yuri Orlov, Yaroslavl
- "Secret Everyday", Cube Moscow, Moscow

- "Postcards. Winter", The Ekaterina Cultural Foundation, Moscow

- "Artificial Review", NCCA, Vladikavkaz

- "Routs to the Imaginary", "Alanika. Experimental method "(within the framework of the international art symposium), NCCA, Vladikavkaz
- "Postcards of artists", Pogodina Gallery, Moscow

- "IP Vinogradov", opening of exhibition space and residences, IP Vinogradov, Moscow

- "Memento Vitae", Nikola-Lenivets

- "A Beautiful Night for all the People", 2nd Garage Tiennial of russian contemporary art, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow

- "Volgafest", Samaraэ

- "Dust", project '"The Rooms", Moscow

- "Ping-Pong Ball", Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Studios, Moscow

- Pre-auction exhibition (Contemporary Art, Sculpture, Collectible Design and Furniture), Auction House and Art Gallery Litfund, Moscow
- "Little Formality", Gustave Fnomer exhibition space, Moscow

- "The Rooms", project '"The Rooms", Moscow

- "We Don't Know What It Was and How It Will End", Pogodina Gallery, Moscow

- "RAYON.0", Museum of Moscow, Moscow
- "???", Pogodina Gallery, Moscow
- "ХЗ", Pogodina Gallery, Moscow

- "Others", Center for Contemporary Art, Grozny
- "Alanika. Experimental method "(within the framework of the international art symposium), NCCA, Vladikavkaz

- "Others" (within the framework of the symposium of young contemporary artists ART CAUCASUS NEXT), NCCA, Vladikavkaz

- "Co-author", Centre for Urban Culture, Perm

- "Co-author", gallery "New wing", Moscow
- 2015 "OR-NA-MENT", studio DEZ No. 5, All-Russian Museum of Decorative Art, Moscow

- 2014 "Where the Wind Blows?", DEZ studio No.5, Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, Moscow

- 2013 "And yet it is flat'', Cultural Center ZIL, Moscow

- 2012 "Weightless", studio DEZ №5, Artplay Design Center, Moscow

- 2011 "Meeting place", studio DEZ №5, Polytechnic Museum, Moscow

- 2010 "Who to Be?", studio DEZ №5, Lyon City Hall, Lyon, France

- 2009-2010 "Who to be?", Studio DEZ №5, (Moscow International Biennale for Young Art), Artplay Design Center, Moscow
2015 - 2009 DEZ № 5

"Welcome, or no Trespassing", Rovesnik, Moscow

"I am", ACADEMY studio, Moscow
2020, 2022 Vladey
2020 Litfund
"Where the Wind Blows", private house near "Truth" station
“Nature of the Future”, Cultural Center "Solodovnya" (Malt House), Moscow

“To the One Who Overcomes”, Cultural Center "Volna", Vyksa

"Story", Center for Contemporary Art, Apatyty

"1415", Masters, Moscow
- "Feast on culture", Newnow, U Contemporary gallery, Moscow

- "Сataloge", Pogodina Gallery, Moscow

- "Postcards From Artists", Institute of Art Studies, Moscow

- "Interleaving", Interleaving, DNT Planovyy Rabotnik

- Cosmoscow, Elohovskiy Gallery, Moscow

- "On the Other Side of the River", Museum-Laboratory "Silk Factory", Kolomna

- Contour, Pogodina Gallery, Nizhny-Novgorod

- 4th Biennale of urban art "Artmossphere", Winzawod CCA, Moscow
"New Year's Message", Set Projects x Masters, Masters, Saint Petersburg

"The Tears Froze", Surface Lab Art Gallery, Moscow

"One To One", Machine Tool Museum, Oktava Cluster, Tula
- “To Create Miracles”, Museum of Black Civilizations, Dakar, Senegal

- “Rest”, Pogodina Gallery, We Are Gallery, Nikolina Gora

- Contour, ARTZIP, Nizhny Novgorod

- Сatalog, pop/off/art, Moscow

- “Stitches and Lines”, project of the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol House - memorial museum and scientific library, Moscow

- “Liquidation”, Newnow, Bread Factory, Moscow
Works are in private collections and in the collection of the National Center of Contemporary Art.

The studio is available at the email -

asia zaslavskaia
[asya zaslavskaya]